Archive for December, 2009



December 14, 2009

Man it’s been crazy lately, got a bunch of work done on the basement though. One wall is up, and almost all anchored into the concrete, insulation will be going in this week, and hopefully I can start on the adjacent wall soon as well. Day by day, one step closer to done…

Since my carboy was empty after bottling day, Kel and I did another batch. We’ve got a red fermenting downstairs now, should be ready for bottling in about another 2 weeks or so. Doing this second batch all from extract was a bit different. I think I’m just a little low on water for it, so it might come out too sweet, but we’ll see how that all works out. I do realize I need to get a wort chiller though, setting it outside at -10 degrees, still took over 2 hours to cool down enough to pitch the yeast. Needless to say, it was quite a long night. I’m sure it’ll all be worth it in the end though.  We’re going to call this new one Mustang Kelly, since it’s a red and Kelly likes mustangs 🙂 For the next batch, I’m thinking something dark, porter, or a stout.


Test Bloodletter

December 11, 2009

Still need a bit of work done on the bases, but since I had a bit of time last night, waiting for the Wort to cool down, I figured I’d finish off the test model for the Bloodletters.  I debated the colors of some parts of him for quite some time, and in the end I’m still not that happy with the sword or his back ‘shark’ fins. I’ll be checking around the net for something that might look better, because right now it all just blends with itself too much, too much red. I did try a bit of light sourcing from below, I think it’ll need another lighter coat to really be effective, again, not sure it’ll stay on till the final versions though.


Basing day 2

December 9, 2009

Got to work on the bases more tonight. Yesterday I assembled them and greenstuffed them together, today was painting after the green stuff fully dried. I tried to follow one of the tutorials I had found online earlier, starting with a mostly yellow base, working your way darker for the cool spots, near the rocks I had set in, and then using white highlight for the really hot spots. I think the white came out a bit too stark, and lined, it needs to be brushed in a bit better yet, and I need to cover the lava parts in a gloss enamal yet to give it a shine. But here it is, as is, also there’s a couple shots with the models place on them for scale and to see how they’ll all fit together. I’ll stop by the store tomorrow and get the rest of the things I need. Almost finished with the first test bloodletter as well… just needs a few more layers, and a couple new colors I currently don’t have… then again, I might not get a chance tomorrow, it’s brew day after all!


Catching Up

December 8, 2009

As I mentioned before, I finished up the High Elf bolt thrower last week, felt so good to finally have the 2k High Elves finished up. So I thought I’d share some pictures quick.

Also started on the Daemon bases. Bought a slate type rock at the pet shop today, it’s for going in the bottom of a fish tank, smashed it up with a hammer and I’m using the chips as floating rocks above the motlen lava. The Slaanesh fellows will have a bit more slate under them, and the Khorne guys will have more lava showing… my way of tying them all together, in addition to the colors that will be used. Anyhow, here’s some shots of the bases coming together, green stuff holding the rocks on, and the lava will hopefully get painted up tomorrow to finish the first ones off. Then I’ll get the tests done on the bloodletter and the daemonette.


Brewing So Far.

December 8, 2009

57 bottles, ready to drink in a couple weeks

Bottling the other day was  a great sucess, so I thought I’d just share what 57 bottles looks like. I can’t wait to crack one open, hopefully I’ll be able to wait a couple days yet.

Next up, doing a Red Ale Thursday. Still need to come up with a name for that one though.


Give it a try

December 8, 2009

Going to start working on modeling the lava bases tonight. I’ve got a couple ideas for how to get this done. First, using plasicard for the rasied, rock pieces that will go over a bed of green stuff lava. The other option is to try and find some slate type rock to go over the lava. I think this second option would look better, but I still haven’t found any slate rock, one more store to hit on the way home that might have some. The slate will really come in handy when I get to the daemonettes too, since they’ll mostly be on the slate.

I’ll make sure to get some pictures up here, and a discription on how it all goes together.


Bastage ESB

December 7, 2009

Brew day came and went, after 2 weeks of yeasties eating up sugar, bottling day finally came for my first home brew, a co-op brew with the Bastage. So yesterday was bottling day. Added a bit of sugar to the car boy, to get the yeast working again, and filled up 57 bottles. It was a very exciting day, one step closer to getting to enjoy the fruits of our labors, and since it’s the first time I’ve done any of this it’s even more exciting. So in about 2 weeks the Bastage ESB should be ready to roll. Just in time for bringing to all my Christmas events. I can’t wait!


Slaanesh Herald

December 3, 2009

Found my Slaanesh Herald model… took some searching, but just bought it today.

She’s actually from the Hordes game, but should be just larger than the Deamonettes and will base nicely, I’m hoping on the 25mm base.

So, that means for my 2.5k I still need, Bloodthirster, 20+ Bloodletters, 5 Furies, 3 Blood Crushers, the Masque and a Hearld of Khorne bsb. We’re getting there for sure.


Only one model left

December 2, 2009

And the 2k High Elves are complete! Last night I finished the bolt thrower base, and one crewman. Got it all flocked up and painted, and ready for just one more crewman. I might do some extras on the base, like a banner for sure. It’s pretty rocky, so I’m not sure what else I could fit up there.


Daemon Bases

December 1, 2009

The lava idea is cool, I think I’m going to stick with that, and I found a great tutorial to help too 🙂

Still thinking over the Slaanesh part though… might do a bit of lava effect on some with slate coming up at crazy angles, kinda like on the edge of the lava flow, and the slate would tie in their colors better I think.